Empathy, Kindness, Compassion and Forgiveness
By Mrs Liz Illingworth, Principal
Luke 6:31 Treat others just as you want to be treated.
In our busy lives, showing empathy, kindness, compassion and forgiveness is not always the natural reaction we have when things happen to us or around us. ‘Treat others just as you want to be treated’ is perhaps my favourite quote from the Gospels. It offers a really clear rule for us to all follow in our everyday communications and interactions with everyone we encounter.
This ‘rule’ is about fostering a culture of mutual respect and support. When we collectively commit to treating others with the same care we desire, we contribute to a more harmonious and connected community. Imagine our College, our local community, if we entered each encounter with this thought in mind, we all then contribute to an environment where each person feels valued and heard.
Many of you may have heard about NAPLAN results in Tasmania through media channels. St Patrick’s College continues to have an absolute focus on academic excellence. Our 2024 NAPLAN results for the College continue to rank St Patrick’s College above similar Schools, above the Tasmanian mean, and in all but one area (the Year 9 Grammar and Punctuation), above the Australian mean. Although NAPLAN is ‘one test on one day’, it does allow us as a College to track how we are performing in the academic domain.
Parents/Guardians of students in Years 7 and 9 should have received the results for their child/ren.
The eSafety Commissioner is an excellent resource to help students and parents/guardians navigate the online world. None of us are experts; however, many of us are impacted by things that occur in this space.
I encourage you to spend just ten minutes navigating this site (eSafety Commissioner) and to have a conversation with your young person about their use of online platforms. Are they being safe? Do they know how to report cyberbullying? Can they report inappropriate behaviour? Do they know what their digital footprint looks like? Do they know the law?
We all have a responsibility in this space, let’s work together to support each and every one of our young people to be the best person that they can be.
As always, we thank our community, our students, our staff, and our families, for their ongoing and continued support and involvement in the life of the College. Let’s continue to work together as we navigate the remainder of the year with enthusiasm and dedication.
Have a great week!